
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kim Hyun Joo's Gift for Lee Seung Gi

It sure is fun watching Strong Heart. But we have to do something more important so Ji_Won and I missed it. Guess we have to wait for Strong Heart's official Youtube channel to upload it.

Hyun Joo unni gave MC Lee Seung Gi a special gift. Here it is ^^

credit: @jellabyuri & LIPS

A christmas tree made by unni herself! I love it. I wish I'll be given one, too... ^^ It's so sweet of her.. Unni is really skillful. *stitches *stitches~

By the way, for those who missed the show and want to have an idea about it, you can visit KHJ's forum in soompi here >> KHJ Official Soompi Thread

Guys, we'd really love to translate everything now.. But we're really sorry we still have something to do. You've probably heard about the storm that hit the southern part of the Philippines. We're trying to help out.

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