
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

강심장 재미있어요!

credit: LIPS

Yeah! Strong Heart's Christmas Special is the best! I really had fun watching it and I'd like to watch it again and again. Three of my favorite stars were there (but since this is a KHJ fansite, let's talk about it somewhere else. Hahaha ^^). And the most important, Hyun Joo unni was there. She may only had a portion of the show, but I was really satisfied. =)

I love her reactions especially when Im Baek Cheon impersonated IU. Hehehe~
Unni's dance is funny and cute. And really love the moment when she sang the song "The Rain and You" by No Brain. She's very entertaining. You can tell that a lot of people love her.

Unni said a lot of things.. But there are some of it that I couldn't forget.
I gave a gift to my boyfriend and I want to get it back; Even now I wanted to take back everything. 
I don't know if my translation is very accurate. Laughter came after she said those words. I love unni because she's honest. But it is intriguing enough for me to look back to some old news I have read before.

LOL Some news strikes my attention because the title is "A gift her boyfriend 'DOES NOT DESERVE'" or "A gift from the past that her boyfriend doesn't deserve." Thoughts come out of my mind. I wonder what it is.
The guy I met in England / U.K.
Oh~~ Who is it? What is his role in unni's life? I'm getting more curious about unni's love life lately. But I'll have to wait for the right time when unni finally speaks about her love life. =)

She also revealed that her complex is her trademark lips, but she's now okay with it.

This show made me crazy. That's why I said "강심장 재미있어요!" I'm looking forward to the Goodbye 2011 Special.

For those who watched it, did you enjoy the show? :D

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