
Friday, June 12, 2015

SBS Looks to Ji Jin Hee and Kim Hyun Joo OTP Reunion for Next Weekend Drama

The year of the K-drama OTP reunions was in 2014 but it’s never too late to the party especially if something new is brought to the shindig. Established drama veterans Kim Hyun Joo and Ji Jin Hee are said to be in talks to headline the next SBS weekend drama airing after The Time I Loved You. The drama is called I Have a Lover and is described
as the second chance romance between a woman who loses her memory and falls in love with her ex-husband with whom she formerly loathed to the core. Of course the unsaid explanation is usually giant misunderstanding or both characters were way immature and finally grows up the second time around. I like both Ji Jin Hee and Kim Hyun Joo, he always delivers solid performances in any role while she’s always delivering the weekend drama ratings these last few years. I am a little concerned reading that the two leads will be playing lawyers, case in point the current ratings disaster SBS weekend drama Divorce Lawyers in Love. Can’t she get a profession change after her memory loss and turn the setting into something other than argumentative lawyers?
Ji Jin Hee and Kim Hyun Joo worked together way back in 2005 on a SBS drama called Miss Kim Makes 1 Million. I never watched it but looking at them then and now, these two certainly have aged nicely.

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