
Friday, May 8, 2015

Kim Hyun Joo starts her challenge in Lady Action entertainment show

Actress Kim Hyun Joo (What's with the Family?) is set to join in for the KBS new entertainment program called Lady Action 레이디 액션. She hasn't been in many variety programs apart from appearing once in Roommate Season 2 after been invited by her co-star Seo Kang Joon. This will be her first time breaking out from her comfortable zone.
Lady Action has a string of beauties in the program- Jo Min Soo, Kim Hyun Joo, Sohn Tae Young, Lee Shi Young, Choi Yeo Jin and Lee Mi Do. The six ladies will
undergo training camp for 3 days, 2 nights with martial arts action director. 
Kim Hyun Joo mentioned the task wasn't simple as just shooting film or dramas in a scene. It was full on to learn action fighting skills. She figured out she needs to break out from her cutesy and feminine image to a more strong character.

The Director also said it wasn't his expectations and he didn't know Kim Hyun Joo has targetted to break out from the comfy zone shell. So far we have not seen her in an action series or dramas, so she wanted to try out various roles. Kim also mentioned at first she wanted to give up after doing the parachuting, she broke into tears. It was a difficult challenge for the actress she has phobia of heights. Among all the members, she was the one who took the longest time to jump off for the parachute event. She was really intending to step out but due to the courage from her colleagues, she went ahead.

And now she starts thinking the challenge was worth it and she enjoyed it. She has overcome her fear and break off the barrier. 
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