
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Big Day

Happy Birthday to you, dear Hyun Joo unni!

Finally, now is the day we've been waiting for. How's everyone? I'm sorry I've been away for so long... And I guess the other admins have been busy with their own lives, too. And I'm trying to catch up on the episodes of DM. Sorry guys.. We can't update you as fast as we can unlike before. But let's not be sad today because it's a happy day for our dear Hyun Joo unni.

Have you sent your birthday gifts already? I'm so excited to know the happenings on her birthday party. I wish they could post a lot of photos and info. For those who haven't sent their greetings yet, you can tweet @kim_hyunjoo, or if you are a member of LIPS, you can also leave your birthday greetings there. Let's also invite other fans to participate in this little movement. Let's make Hyun Joo unni feel the love!

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