
Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Very Special Christmas Gift

Good Neighbors Korea launches their new campaign for this Christmas called "A Very Special Gift."
Do you remember Tanya? She was the child Kim Hyun Joo unni met in Bangladesh. She never received something really special before. When she received the pink bag, it was like her smile brightened the whole world. It was a very special and meaningful gift to her.

"I want to go to school..!"

Tanya is just one of the children of Bangladesh who were not able to go to school. It was her dream and her hope to study with her friends. I'm happy to know that there are kids like Tanya who values education so much.

All of us can help through special gift giving. We can help them reach their precious dreams. Please inflict a very special gift!

Send A Very Special Christmas Gift

credit: jyssandra (SOOMPI) Thank you so much!!

아주 특별한 크리스마스 선물

태어나서 한 번도 자기 것을 가져보지 못했던 아이... 타냐.
처음으로 분홍색 가방을 선물 받고는 세상을 다 가진 듯 환하게 웃없습니다.

"얼른 학교에 가고 싶어요..!"

친구들과 함께 공부하고 싶은 타냐의 꿈에
뭉클한 첫 희망이 되어 준 특별한 선물.

그 어떤 예쁘고 멋진 선물만큼, 간절한 꿈을 품은 아이들..

아이들의 소중한 꿈이 시작되는
아주 특별한 크리스마스 선물을 안겨 주세요!

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