
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kim Hyun Joo, She Has Fallen Into Her Hobby

This is an old but valuable article. Hope you enjoy!
**Translated by Dahee Fanel
*Special thanks to Kevin and cutegurl87

First, the reason I heard about this was because I talked to a person who went on a trip with her. As soon as they boarded the plane and sat down in their seats, she lowered the table, and with a crinkling sound, took out something that covered the entire table. She even took out her glasses and put them on to thread the needle, and started to sew some unrecognizable fabric. That's right. She had gone crazy over the handmade dolls.

They went to Japan in that way. All night long, she sat at the makeup table in the hotel, and sewed underneath the blinking electric lamp.
That person told me jokingly that looking at her back as she wordlessly sewed while dressed in pajamas was like watching a horror movie. She was devoting herself to getting the doll's arms and legs attached, and putting it in a dress.

A person's self as a star is fake � no, not exactly fake, but it's not true that image is the second thing considered when filtering out the few who go on the TV and big screen. It was hard to get close to the girl with the specific personality who was exposed on TV and in interviews. We've never seen her show melting, laughing eyelight or such honest-seeming civility when listening to others like we have with Lee Young Ae. She's like a cool, stinging carbonated beverage. Although she is indeed cheerful and lively, she seemed to have a hard protective wall around her that it seemed introverted people wouldn't receive permission to cross. That was what was enclosing her.

And then, after she showed them her hand-made dolls with proud eyes, as though it was a baby, they thought that they hadn't noticed from her outward appearance that she had realized a strategy for existence by being a so-called "entertainer". �Because I wanted to show them to you today, I didn't get much sleep for two days. I really wanted to show them to you when they were finished.� �I think I can perfect this bride wearing the wedding dress that I'm making right now before I start shooting.� �If I'm shooting right now, I can straighten this neck right away. Where's my sewing kit�� She gently fixes the doll's head on one side, checks to see if the ribbon is crooked or not, and observes the back of the dress to see if it's arranged nicely. Right now, her expression is freshening from that of a person of society to someone confined within themselves.

The two big methods of being a good entertainer are composure so that no one can think they look easy, and happy laughter that allows anyone to get closer or farther as they please, at any time. She has chosen her method. She has the image of a person who goes to bed at ten o' clock and gets up at seven o' clock in the morning. Everything that surrounds her has its own firm place, so that she doesn't look like a careless person, and has an appropriate calmness.

As life as an entertainer lengthens, many of them hide in their houses. They get rid of their diplomatic faces. The only place where they aren't involved in bloody contests are at home. She is, of course, the same way. Her method is of restlessly going to and from home and refilling her energy. She gets drunk on a tranquil rest � a time when she doesn't need to be nervous. Sewing offers a peaceful time for her. �I made a lot of things at home while I was resting.� �I don't go out often.�

Sewing is a very solitary, womanly, and passive hobby. It's a hobby that offers solitary people a comfortable moment. The thing that gave her irregular and rhythmical actress� schedule's disgustingly fickle, mechanical flow a monotonous tranquility is sewing. That�s why making dolls is not a hobby, but a rest for her.

�Knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, quilting � I've done everything connected to sewing. Then I found this on the internet. There are a lot of websites (on it). I look at the completed doll and then I click and pay. Then I get delivered a DIY package.� The dolls she's finished up until now are from the DIY package. She's still in the practice stage. She fills the body (of the doll) with wool to make it plump, and imagines the day when she can dress it in clothes identical to John Galliano's. It seems that there will come a day when the dolls she's made will be displayed in the window of a shop in Abgujung Street.

Once you explain your hobbies, you come to think of opening your self to the world. While Ang Ang (I think it's a Chinese film�No clue what the title is) is out right now, she is not in Korea. That's because she's in Hong Kong to film "Star Runner" that is being directed by Lee In-hang (??), who made "Sung-wul Tale". She's planning to return to Korea in the fall, after she's finished filming this movie that she's doing with the leader of the F4, Vanness Wu. During those two months, she sews again. This time, she went there with a mini sewing machine. That's because she hasn't forgotten her promise to make her friends, the Kim Ji Ho-Kim Ho Jin couple, pajamas. If we look at it that way, we remember that the accessories on the cell phones of the people she worked with were presents from her. She said that when she quilts, she uses the remaining pieces to make the doll clothes, and with the remains of those, she uses them to make something. She said that she thought of each person she was going to give it to, and made them all individually, each with a different appearance.

Imagine her sewing while wearing glasses and pajamas. Even if she changed into a character in a movie or other, would she be this lovable and charismatic? Sometimes, when they're alone, people reveal their most beautiful selves without knowing it. Just like her. 

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