
Monday, August 15, 2011

[Twinkle Twinkle Drama Update] Cheers! It's a Happy Ending!

Korean Drama "Twinkle Twinkle" new set of photos - August 14, 2011

A happy ending for "Twinkle Twinkle". The last episode was aired yesterday. It's just sad that you really have to wait for a very long time for the English subbed episodes to release. If you really want to know the whole story, the RAW episodes are already at ^^

Ah~.. How time flies. I didn't notice it has already ended. But before that happy ending, let's see the twists and turns they've gone through. 

Looks like Song Seung-Joon (Kim Seok-Hoon) faces the consequences of letting go of her dear Han Jung Won (Kim Hyun-Joo).. Oh my~.. These photos will surely make everyone excited to watch "Twinkle Twinkle." Photos are arranged in no particular order. Please stay tuned!

-on the set- ^^

Young actress Joo Da-Young makes her special appearance in "Twinkle Twinkle." Sources say that she will be Kim Hyun Joo's rival (she also loves Song Seung-Joon). ^^

Where's Seung Joon? What happened to him? Working as a local alternative school teacher? And what happened to her mother, the loan shark? Watch the remaining episodes of "Twinkle Twinkle.." ^^

And one of the scenes you shouldn't miss... Oh~ there's Joo Da-Young ^^

^_^ Back in each other's arms.. Kim Hyun Joo's acting really gets me. [teary-eyed]

---Seung Joon and Jung Won's wedding day captures---

Han Jung Won complaining about their honeymoon. kkkk ^^

~It all ended with a warm wedding. All of the cast lived a happy life~ ^^

Are you watching "Twinkle Twinkle" on Mysoju? Are you happy about the 1-star rating of the drama? For me, the rating doesn't give justice to the whole drama. It was once listed in Mysoju's TOP 25 but now it's gone. Let's bring the popularity back! Let's support "Twinkle Twinkle!" ^^


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