
Join Us

Since this site is continuously growing, we're now inviting HJ fans to be part of this site by becoming a writer.
We're really thankful that you showed interest in visiting this site more often. And we'd like to share more about HJ by gathering her fans here.

Are there rules and conditions?

Yes. We respect our dear Kim Hyun Joo by posting only the right news as much as possible. And we try to post whatever we are allowed to post here. So before submitting your applications, please review one rule and some conditions.


  1. Must have a Gmail account.
  2. Must be an active Kim Hyun Joo follower online.
  3. Can understand Korean or Chinese.
  4. Can speak English.
  5. Must be familiar with Blogger and the Korean portal sites.
  6. A member of LIPS fan club. (This is not necessary. But this will be helpful in getting the latest updates.)
One Rule:
Some pages like >>> (∥…………ⓕrom 현주) are exclusive only to members of respective Korean sites and sometimes it is not allowed to be reposted outside without permission from the original authors.

Please tell me more about you by including these in your email application

Contact Email/Twitter:
Nationality or Languages you speak:
What is your favorite Kim Hyun Joo drama? Why?:
If given a chance to meet HJ and be with her in a day, what will you do?:

You can email your applications to or through our contact form

Thank you! Looking forward to working with you soon.

- LOVE KHJ Team :)